We Are Here to Help


Office of Community Services (OCS), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families partners with states, territories, tribes, and community agencies to eliminate the causes and consequences of poverty, increase self-sufficiency of individuals and families, and revitalize communities. Through seven distinct social service and community development programs, OCS works to improve the lives of low-income children, individuals, families, and communities. Below, you will find information about each of our programs.


Finding Help

In many cases, finding help to assist an individual in our community can be difficult and time consuming. Although there is often help available for most situations, finding the right community resource to fit the situation can be difficult.

Our Community Resource Guide is a database of resources available to people in our community. These agencies and programs have a common goal of helping people in our community in a variety of ways. Each agency and program represents a “piece of the puzzle” in terms of helping people solve problems and reach their full potential.