Benefits of Consumer Directed Services
The most significant benefit of Consumer Directed Service is the flexibility the patient gains to hire the caregivers to provide the services authorized. The patient can hire friends or family members to provide the services, increasing the patient’s trust and comfort level.
Many home care agencies find it challenging to hire and keep enough Personal Care Attendants to provide services. Allowing the patient to hire friends or family members in the community will alleviate this problem.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, patients may be uncomfortable letting outside Personal Care Attendants come into the house and provide the needed services. Hiring a family member or friend through Consumer Directed Services will make the patient more comfortable and willing to receive services.
One of the challenges with Personal Care Services is matching up the patient service requirements and Personal Care Attendants’ availability to meet these requirements. Patients may have to adapt the timing of the services to the availability of caregivers. Consumer Directed Services provide the patient the flexibility in scheduling the caregiver to meet the patient’s preferences.
By hiring a family member and providing flexibility in scheduling, Patients can help a family member looking for additional work.
What are consumer-directed services?

Consumer Directed Services (CDS) are home healthcare services offered by Medicaid or Medicaid waiver programs where the consumer (Patient) can hire the caregiver and coordinate the services authorized. Consumer Directed Services are also known as Self Directed Care services. Consumer Directed Services programs will allow the consumer (Patient) to select and direct the caregivers to provide the services authorized by Medicaid. The patient’s ability to choose a family member or a friend to provide the services needed will increase the caregiver’s trust and comfort level.